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AquaStar5678Copiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 7

how many decks of cards do casinos use for blackjack?

is there more than one deck, i have never played.

1 answers
TimeSageXIIICopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 5

Hello AquaStar5678 i think i have the right answer.

Usually they use 6 decks, but it can be up to 8. It’s easier for them to use multiple decks because at the casino there’s a lot of people, so they don’t always have time to mix and shuffle the cards.

That’s why they have more decks so they spend less time shuffling.

Also, because they hate card counting, they use multiple decks so it’s harder for people who count to figure out what they could do. Casinos always wanna win, not you, remember that.


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