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wunga48585Copiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 9

what casinos have $5 blackjack?

blackjack is my favorite casino but i don't want to go all in

1 answers
luxxyluxzCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 9

Hi there @wunga48585,

Had to pull out the history books for this one. Although these casinos were the rage in the 60s, their time has long passed. There aren’t many casinos that are offering the chance to play $5 Blackjack. From what I’ve gathered the ones that do are located in Las Vegas, with Arizona Charlie’s Decatur, Club Fortune, Gold Coast and Sunset Station being some of the names that I’ve come across.

From my experience I can tell you that it’s way easier to play Blackjack at online casinos, as you can join a table for as little as $1. Another big plus is that if you aren’t too confident in your skills, you can opt to play the demos, until you learn all the tips and tricks. 

Hope this clarifies things for you! Cheers! ✌


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