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Brave01Copiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 6

What is the 5 card trick in Blackjack?

can someone pls explain

1 answers
VladMCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkOnline Gambling and Slots Specialist

Hi @Brave01 😁

I've been playing and studying Blackjack for years, and I'm happy to explain the "5-card trick" to you.

In traditional Blackjack, the main objective is to have a hand value closest to 21 without going over. 

However, in some variations of the game, there's a rule known as the "5-card trick" or "5-card Charlie." 

This rule states that if a player manages to draw 5 cards without busting (going over 21), they automatically win, regardless of the dealer's hand. 

It's a pretty rare occurrence, but when it happens, it's super exciting!

Imagine you're dealt a 2 and a 3. You decide to hit and get another 2, then a 4, and finally, a 5. That's five cards totaling 16. 

Even though 16 isn't a great hand in standard Blackjack, with the 5-card trick rule, you'd win instantly!

It's worth noting that not all casinos or Blackjack variations offer this rule, so always check the house rules before playing. 

But if you ever find yourself in a game with the 5-card trick in play, it adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement. 

Good luck at the tables!


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