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luxxyluxzCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 9

How to cheat video poker machines?

Are there known methods on how to cheat video poker machines?

1 answers
VladMCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkOnline Gambling and Slots Specialist

Hello @luxxyluxz,

It is quite hard, if not impossible, to cheat video poker machines. 

In the past, when video poker machines used rudimentary software, players were able to employ certain techniques that would manipulate the console, such as making the machine think a player inserted coins when, in fact, they were playing free hands.

Nowadays, video poker machines are constantly checked and audited both for random outcomes and potential glitches or gaps that can be exploited. So, you cannot actually cheat video poker machines.

In fact, in some jurisdictions, even using your smartphone to read video poker tables or references is considered cheating and will most likely disqualify you. 

Therefore, even if the machines are designed to favor the house, it's best to stick to tactics and strategies that have a real chance to increase your winning odds instead of attempting to cheat at video poker and risk having an unpleasant experience. You can study my guide on how to win at video poker for more useful tips and tricks.


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